Showing 133–144 of 366 results
Disbandment of No 57 Squadron Jersey_J195
Domesday 900th Anniversary Domesday 1086 – 1986 London WC2_6729
Domesday Book 900th Anniversary Jersey_J185
Domesday Book Winchester Hants_6740
Domesday Chapter House Abbey of St Peter Gloucester_6734
Domesday Survey 900 Years Battle East Sussex_6730
Dumfries Octocentenary 1186-1986 Dumfries_6812
Durham County Spastics Society Marking 21 Years of Service Durham_6662
Duxford Aviation Society Duxford Airfield Duxford Cambs_6836
Edmond Halley Born 1656 at Haggerston London E2_6610
Edmond Halley Memorial Service Westminster Abbey London SW1_6880
England Versus India 1986 Tour Match London NW8_6683