Showing 13–24 of 383 results
13th European Youth Table Tennis Championships Teeside_1428
14 June – 20 June Mayflower ’70 Celebrations Immingham Grimsby Lincs_1352 (1)
150th Anniversary Florence Nightingale BFPS_1239
150th Anniversary Florence Nightingale BFPS_1240
150th Anniversary Florence Nightingale Holloway Matlock Derbyshire_1290
1704 Battle of Blenheim BFPS_1433
1910 1970 Scouts Conway Caerns_1501
1920 1970 Jubilee University College of Swansea_1499
1921-1970 Poppy Day British Legion Village Maidstone Kent_1539
1st Duke of Marlborough Blenheim Palace BFPS_1432
2 Sqn RCT Centenary BFPS_1252
20th Annual Convention East Midlands Federation of Stamp Clubs Northampton_1510