Showing 1–12 of 74 results
17-25 May CBSO Birmingham International Wind Competition_GS 635 t
17-25 May CBSO Birmingham International Wind Competition_GS 635 t
1866 -1966 Elected House of Keys Douglas
1866-1966 John Groom’s Cares For The Disabled_GS 716 t
1866-1966 John Groom’s Cares For The Disabled_GS 716 t
1916 1966 Coventry Jubilee Exhibition Earl Street 1st – 30th June_GS 647 t
1916 1966 Coventry Savings Year Join A Savings Group_GS 689 t
1945 1966 Remploy 21st Anniversary_GS 710
1967 June 10th – Sept 23rd Black & White Minstrels at Paignton_GS 730 t
66 national eisteddfod eisteddfod genedlaethol Aberafan 1966_GS 600
66 national eisteddfod eisteddfod genedlaethol Aberafan 1966_GS 602 t
6th August Ipswich Funtasia 11am – 11pm Suffolk Showground Ipswich_GS 665