Showing 13–24 of 400 results
150th Anniversary Penny Black Spalding Flower Festival_7762
150th Anniversary The Penny Black Alexandra Palace London N22_7734
150th Anniversary The Royal Botanic Gardens Kew Richmond Surrey_7822
150th Anniversary Thomas Hardy Higher Bockhampton Dorset_7861
150th Anniversary Uniform Penny Postage 1 British Philatelic Federation London EC1_7649
1690 – 1990 Belfast_7846
175th Anniversary Battle of Waterloo No 1 Wellington Museum London London W1_7829
175th Anniversary of The Battle of Waterloo National Army Museum BFPS_7828
1840_1990 Uniform Penny Postage London SW1_7652
1840-1990 150 Bedfordshire Police 150 Years of Public Service Bedford_7703
1840-1990 Perkins Bacon & Co Printed The Penny Black Fleet St London London EC4_7651
1840-1990 Perkins Bacon & Co Printed The Penny Black Fleet St London London EC4_7732