Showing 13–24 of 710 results
15 Base Ordnance Depot RAOC 1944-1969 BFPS_1144
150th Anniversary Birth of George Eliot Nuneaton Warwickshire_1198
150th Anniversary The Scotsman Edinburgh_698
15th Anniversary of Divine Mercy College Fawley Court Henley on Thames_1026
16th NEPA Convention Stockton on Tees_580
175th Anniversary of Birth of John Clare Helpston Peterborough_875
17th NEPA Convention Tynemouth North Shields_617
1818 1968 Gravyor Murra A Gernow N.N Burnard 150th Anniversary Penbloth The Great Cornish Sculptor Launceston Cornwall_926
1869 Centenary of Borough Charter Barnsley Yorkshire_1082
18th Annual Middlesex Convention London & Provincial Stamp Club GT Russell St London WC_809
1919 Civil Aviation Jubilee Year Speedbird Club Family Day Nantgarw Cardiff_1096
1968_RICS Centenary Scottish Chartered Surveyors Aviemore Inverness-Shire_933