Showing 25–36 of 701 results
1869 Centenary of Borough Charter Barnsley Yorkshire_1082
1877 St Leonards Church Ninetieh Anniversary of Consecration 1967 Leicester_782
18th Annual Middlesex Convention London & Provincial Stamp Club Gt Russell St London WC_809
19th International Motor Police Rally 31 Aug 3 Sept Blackpool_557
19th N E P A Convention Bishop Auckland Co Durham_810
1st Anniversary Conquest of Blue Nile BFPS_1146
1st Hook Scout Troop Summer Fayre Surbiton_853
20th A.E.P.S.Convention Goodmayes Ilford Essex_543
20th Anniversary Berlin Blockade Lifted Blockade Aufgehaben BFPS_1015
20th Anniversary NATO HQ BFPS 1080_979
20th Anniversary NATO HQ BFPS_979
20th Anniversary NATO SHAPE BFPS 1081_980