Showing 1–12 of 15 results
44th Philatelic Congress of Great Britain Worthing_510
44th Philatelic Congress of Great Britain Worthing_510(2)
Coventry Cathedral Consecration
Inauguration of Rhyl Wallasey Hovercraft Service Wallasey_515
London Stamp Exhibition Europa Eurostamp 1962 London SW1_520
London Stamp Exhibition Eurostamp 1962 London_520
Polphilex 62 London SW7_503
Polphilex 62 London SW7_503 (1)
Polphilex 62 London SW7_503 (2)
Redhill Philatelic Society Silver Jubilee_518
RSH Health Congress Scarborough Yks_505
Scotex Assn Scottish Philatelic Societies Glasgow_596